Care Guide for Flattening Your Rug

To assist you in maintaining and enjoying your new rug, especially if it has been rolled or folded during shipping, we've prepared this guide to help it lay flat and look its best.

  • Unroll or Unfold Gently: Carefully unroll or unfold your rug in the intended area. If it has been tightly wound, allow some time for the material to relax.
  • Allow Time to Settle: Let the rug sit for a day or two to naturally flatten out. This gives the fibers time to adjust to the new environment.
  • Apply Weight on Corners: If edges remain curled after a couple of days, place heavy objects, like books, on each corner for another day or two.
  • Ironing for Persistent Issues (with Caution): If you're still not satisfied, consider using an iron on the polyester setting. Choose a dry (non-steam) iron and exercise caution to avoid burns. Be mindful of the heat settings and avoid direct contact with the rug's surface to prevent damage. We recommend this only as a last resort and advise allowing natural flattening as the best option.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at We are here to help and ensure your satisfaction with our products.Â